Sales Order Management
Novosales provides you comprehensive access to customer-related information and related information like opportunities, quotes, orders and invoices. Your employees can use data system to verify product availability, deliver and satisfy customer needs, perform accurate forecasting, predict future sales and identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. Below is the quick scope.
- You can carry out an order confirmation check, which allows you to check if ordered items are in stock and you can confirm the sales order or you would like to do fresh sourcing in form of direct purchase or production.
- Manage your sales orders and the related sales quotes and opportunities.
- Record orders from one Time / regular customers with schedule deliveries.
- Product rates, tax, discount based on captured customer setting, but option to override at order level also.
- Advance payment details at the time of sales order and payment receipt print. Automatic adjustments at time of invoicing.
- Stock Availability check in Order and automatic Back Order creation. Create incremental Picking Slips for order as per avialbility of stock.
- Create invoices individually, collectively as part of automatic invoice runs.
- Create invoices for order OR for delivered items. You can also create invoice for single order or group of orders for a customer.
- You can add additional discounts and charges in all sales process. You can record shipment charges separately to third party and absorb the same as sales cost or include it in customer invoice as shipping charges.
- Standard working documents templates to configure and print different type of sales and service in different format.
- You can create invoice documents based on the delivery of products and services – and skip the complete order delivery. Remaining item can be shipped on later date or cancelled and recorded as lost sales for future analysis.
- Create credit memos for returns received from your customers or partners – even without reference to a sales or service order.
- Quotation and sales order linked to sales person for commission purpose. Commission rules again can be configured in multiple ways to be paid on complete order specific items or on certain minimum sales.
- Clear separation in active/pending and closed documents at various level from creation to delivery to invoice creation to payment received.
- Automatic targets and schemes based credit notes creation and option to make payment manually or automated adjustments on next invoice.
- Order management in different formats: Direct order, Scheduled order, Contract Order, Delivery against advance order, Order against advance bulk payment, consignment sales, export order and sample sales (zero value sales).